Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cora crawling

This video was taken August 4th.

Oh... HI!

If you're checking out our blog and have just a second, please leave us a comment. It doesn't have to be anything other than, "Hi." There's more motivation to post more when I know people are still stopping by to check up on us. :) Otherwise, I'll stay caught up with my soap opera watching and eating bon-bons.

Summer outfits from Grandma Steele

Child labor

I think this is still legal in Missouri.

Playtime with Aunt Ali

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Many expressions of Cora Mae

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Evidently Mommy and Daddy know how to pick out a comfortable booster seat (see also )

Family fun

During Aunt Ali's visit, Uncle Keith and Aunt Lindsay (and cousin Natalie) stopped by for dinner on their way back from their vacation in Colorado.

Science Center with Aunt Ali

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Miriam at the St Louis Science Center

August 24, 2007 (Joel's interview with Ralcorp)

July 28, 2008
Evidently, Mim thinks the Science Center is pretty exciting... either that or Mommy always takes her to the zoo first and wears her out.

StL Zoo with Aunt Ali

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Big helper

In mommy's mind: no shirts = easier cleanup and less laundry

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Practice, practice, practice

Big news

Cora took her first few steps yesterday! And her bottom two teeth FINALLY poked through early last week. She turned 9 months old last Thurday, the 18th.