Thursday, September 25, 2008

Oh... HI!

If you're checking out our blog and have just a second, please leave us a comment. It doesn't have to be anything other than, "Hi." There's more motivation to post more when I know people are still stopping by to check up on us. :) Otherwise, I'll stay caught up with my soap opera watching and eating bon-bons.


Pierce said...

Hi Steph (and Joel)! I have you on my Google Reader, so I can stay updated every time you post. Rest assured, I'm checking it out! This weekend is my 10 yr. class reunion. Adam and Joel's was almost a year ago now. You guys have moved since then and had Cora!!

Randy said...

We're always here!

Randy and Karen

camel cowboy said...

checking in--
looks like cora is about ready for some cow/calf pictures

Anonymous said...

i'm here...but I hate to be a reason to keep a gal from her soaps:-)

Meaghan said...

I still check on you guys!
Your girls are too cute!

Anonymous said...

Always the highlight of my day when their is a new posting!!

Keep the pictures coming!! :)

Jen & Baby Bible

Anonymous said...

Gramma Fliss is always thrilled to see the grandgirls....AND their parents!!
~~kisses & hugs to all!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi hi hi!!

i may be sporadic, but i LOVE it!

Curt said...
