Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Daddy's guitar

Miriam spotted Daddy's guitar case in the basement recently and asked Daddy if we could bring it upstairs and get it out. The girls have had fun plucking the strings.


Holly said...

Hey, that green shirt Cora has on looks familiar! ;) We'll be in STL Friday for the Cards game, but it will be a short trip. :(

Anonymous said...

thank you for letting my granddaughters explore music!

Lisa said...

Hi, Joel and Stephanie -

I brought up your blog tonight so Tom could see pictures of Mim (and Cora, too!) - they are both just beautiful!! We got a kick out of seeing Mim looking so grown up - SUCH pretty hair - but w/ that same sweet smile that made Tom fall in love with her!!! Cora is a doll, too - we think she looks like you, Stephanie (sorry, Joel...), and we are very excited to hear about #3!!! Let's hear it for the boys!!!

Take care, and come back and see us sometime!
-----Tom and Lisa

sean said...

@libnah you should check out this blog:

I think you'd like it.